Monday, January 27, 2014

Are You doing a Good Job for Your Client?

Every so often while doing comps or researching something on the MLS, I come across some examples of  real estate agents providing very poor service to their client.  I recently read a blog here on Active Rain that had multiple  photos that had been used in listings that were not very flattering to the property.  I have seen my share of those, as well as the listings that have no photos except for the front.  I understand that sometimes the client will insist the listing go in, prior to work being completed, or tenants moving out, so inside photos are just not feasible. I personally make a note of that in the MLS and get the photos in as quick as I can.  Some of the photos I see with no inside photos, are not having work done and are vacant and have been for a while (hmm wonder why?).   I know as a consumer myself, if there are no inside photos, I just move on. There must be a reason the agent didn't wantto show the inside.  Then there are those that just take lousy photos.  I am always surprised that the seller/owner doesn’t complain, after all most of them today have access to the Internet and have plenty to say about how the listing looks.  

Another example of poor representation of the client is when the home is listed in the wrong area, or as the wrong type. I have seen listings that say they are in one area and upon looking closer, can tell that they are actually several miles away and in area that is actually more desirable or just the opposite.  I have seen single-family homes listed as condos, manufactured homes listed as townhouses and wonder how long it will take the agent to realize it.  Our MLS has a way to police the listings. I prefer to just let the agent know with an e-mail and have done that and once or teice, I never even received a thank you from agents. 

It just makes me wonder how those agents stay in business, because a lot of them do.  Some of the listings I have seen with these type of issues are from well established agents who have been in business for a long time.  I guess they must be doing something right. 

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