Thursday, February 13, 2014

How To Provide Great Service, Without Sacrificing Your Sanity

There are times that I am so busy and have so many balls in the air at one time that I can't possibly concentrate on one more thing. On these kind of days, I find it is best to answer the phone if I can and unless it is something I can quickly respond to, just let the caller know that I am really busy and will call them back at another time, when I can give them my undivided attention, or to let the call go to voice mail.  I have seen quite a few posts from other Brokers and Agents where the subject of being accessible to their clients comes up.  While I completely agree that answering your phone whenever you can is an awesome business practice, I feel that there are times when the best thing for me and the client I am currently working for is to not pick up.  
I used to have a lot of anxiety about not be able to get everything done immediately. I wanted to do an awesome job for all my clients, and also be available whenever anyone needs me.  It's almost funny to say it now. Because It is impossible to be able to do that.  Now I take a more relaxed approach and if necessary work a bit longer, and get everything accomplished, without the added stress.  
Experience has taught me that there are certain times when in order to give one client the best service I can give, I may have to put other potential or current clients off for a while.  I have learned that if my not being accessible 24/7 will cost me a client then I am better off without that client.  
There are certain services that I perform that I have decided I will not accept phone call while doing, these are: 
1.  Performing inspections; I have a system that works and getting distracted throws that off and has caused me to have to go back to a property to get the missed items, which is not something that makes me very happy. 
2.  Preparing Leases:  this is not something where any mistake or omission is acceptable. You cannot multitask while preparing a lease or any other contract. 
3. Bookkeeping: not a good idea to be distracted while dealing with money, your clients or your own. 
Of course it is not appropriate to take calls while showing property or meeting with clients, but I do manage to get out a text or two while the person is filling out paperwork or something.  
I had one of these days today and realized how much easier I find it to just get the stuff that I need to get done, done and work late catching up with calls and emails. So if you are an agent that I am working with, a potential new client or a current client; please keep in mind, I will take your call, answer your e-mail or respond to your text as promptly as I can and if there is a wait, I am worth it.  

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